Is your baby in a breech position?
Would you like to explore your options and learn about moxibustion?
Did you know you don’t have to opt for a caesarean birth if you don’t want one?
Book a workshop with The Essex Birth Company to learn about your choices with the guidance of an experienced birth doula, trauma specialist, and counsellor.
What we cover:
Breech vaginal birth: Learn about the possibility and safety of birthing a breech baby vaginally.
External cephalic version (ECV): Understand the process and potential of turning your baby.
Caesarean birth: We will discuss this option as you can choose the birth type that is best for you and your baby.
At home techniques: Explore methods to encourage your baby to turn at home.
Optimum foetal positioning: Discover positions and movements to help your baby turn head-down and optimize foetal positioning, through yoga, stretching and specific movements.
Biomechanics: Learn about your pelvis and techniques to create space for a smoother birth.
Yoga and Traditional Chinese Medicine: Integrate these practices to support your pregnancy and birth.
Your rights and choices: Understand your rights to choose the birth type you prefer, including options outside NHS guidelines.
Assessing obstetric risks: Looking at this holistically and learn how to navigate the maternity system to get the best birth experience for your unique circumstances. Always researching evidence based information.
Join us to feel informed, empowered, and confident about your birth choices.

In our workshop, we'll prepare you to try moxibustion with comprehensive guidance:
Introduction and demonstration: Watch informative videos and observe a live demonstration.
Hands-on instruction: Receive detailed instructions on how to safely administer moxibustion.
Free kit: Get a complimentary moxibustion kit and a few other goodies to take home.
What is Moxibustion?
Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves burning the herb mugwort (moxa) to produce heat near a specific point along your body's energy channels, known as meridians. This heat can bring warmth to the uterus, increase foetal activity, and help your baby turn.
Moxa is also believed to stimulate blood flow to the pelvic area and uterus. It can rid us of physical, emotional and mental blockages, whilst rebalancing energy and helping the energy to flow well again. We use an acupressure point on the little toe called bladder 67. You will need to administer this for around half an hour each day at home for around a week, possibly up to ten days.
Moxibustion has a 67% success rate (more than ECV!)
Join our workshop to learn this effective technique and increase your chances of turning your baby to a head-down position.
Programme Details
This programme costs £155 and includes a telephone consultation, a 90 minute workshop and a follow up check in.
The session is for the birthing person and birth partner/s
You will receive a free moxibustion kit, a useful manual created by The Essex Birth Company, a goodie bag and a booklet on turning babies.
I can facilitate sessions via Zoom, in your home or in my home overlooking the Essex countryside with tea and cake.