I’m writing this blog tucked up in bed on a Saturday night at 8pm, yep 8pm! We’re not totally self isolating but trying to be responsible and stay home, unless it’s essential to go out, so I thought I may as well catch up on some sleep whilst I can!
Anyway, I’ll get back to the point, I wanted to let you all know that I’ll be sharing my pregnancy yoga class online every Saturday morning until things get back to normal. My class is normally held at Heart Centred Wellbeing in Brentwood but for obvious reasons I won’t be in the studio for a while.
I started my first class via Zoom, aired from the comfort of my living room, I think it went pretty well. I’d love to hear from you if you fancy joining, or you’re welcome to book at www.heartcentredwellbeing.co.uk
The class starts at 10.45am until 11.45am and as well as dome gentle, relaxing yoga, we always end up discussing pregnancy, birth, babies and parenting. As a doula I love our friendly, non-judgemental space to share and discuss our thoughts, concerns and feelings. I think the regulars who come to my class feel they’re getting more than a yoga class, they’re also getting a doula thrown in for free as well!
Please get in touch or book via the Heart Centred Wellbeing website for an hour just for you, away from all the stress and anxieties in the outside world