Give the gift of a memorable birth…for all the right reasons!
Kirstie's Blog
Welcome to Kirstie's Blog! Here you'll discover a variety of blogs, videos, yoga tasters, and relaxation techniques designed to empower and support you. We aim to enhance your knowledge and provide valuable recommendations, resources and information for further support. Enjoy exploring!
Holding Space – What does this mean?
Top tips: Labour and Birth Progression
Pregnancy Yoga Standing (4 of 6)
Pregnancy Yoga Kneeling (3 of 6)
Pregnancy Yoga All Fours (2 of 6)
You can say no to a vaginal exam!
Pregnancy Yoga Warm Up (1 of 6)
What is the Bishops score?
Pregnancy Yoga taster for OFP
What is a cervical sweep and should I have one?
Make the most of pregnancy offers/freebies
What is relaxin during pregnancy?
Pregnancy Yoga – Warriors
Pregnancy Yoga for Trimester 2 by Breathe Birth Yoga
Should I hire a birth doula during a pandemic?
Pregnancy Yoga for a Confident Birth
Pregnancy Yoga for Birth